Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Thankful, Part II

I wanted to blog about our last couple of weeks.  Things have been going very well.  We have been blessed to find two fantastic support groups; one for Autism Support, and one for Homeschool Support.  We've been having so much fun with our new friends, and are finding our niche within the Autism and Homeschool community.  We've moved into the Southeast with our USA state study, started a new writing program because the boys are ready to be challenged, and are ahead of schedule in our math because they are picking it up quickly.  All that alone is worth a Thankful, Part II post!!  And check out this handwriting!!!  Not too shabby for Andrew.  Who, as of his last public school ARD was going to be excluded from all handwriting and given a touch pad.  I knew he could improve.  I wasn't ready to give up on him, and am so proud of his hard work.  We're still working on it, but the improvement from the very end of last year to now is mind blowing!  I decided to include the sample with Lucas' work on it, too, because he's also improved greatly, and he's been working hard.  He's right on track for a 1st grader!  Andrew's work is the sample on top.

 Last week:

Andrew's sample from the very end of last year:
I am so thankful that God has allowed Marcel and I to homeschool our kids.  I am thankful every single day for this honor and responsibility.  This is ARD-time in public schools, and my heart aches for parents going through this yearly (at the least) emotional-draining process.  ARD's are hard, even when you have a supportive district and team who listens to you.  I can't even begin to think how hard it would be to have to fight for services and support.  I've heard the stories, and have seen the tears, but I have never had to fight that battle. We had (still have) a great group of people on our side, and it was still hard to sit through back-to-back ARD's and discuss goals, objectives, placements and IEP's for the next year.  So, I pray for everyone involved in the process, teachers, administrators, parents, and students.  And I am thankful, so very thankful, that we homeschool!!