Monday, October 6, 2014

...but they are great surfers...

Andrew usually gets picked last during the "choose your team" types of events at our homeschool park days.  Lucas rarely gets picked at all because big group type games are too chaotic and crazy for him, and he just can't bring himself to play, even though he may want to be in the game.  Andrew towers above the other kids in gymnastics because he just doesn't have the motor skills to advance out of the beginner class.  Lucas loves soccer, but once the game starts, he is often caught standing, almost overwhelmed by the frenzy of the game.  They are not natural athletes, they both struggle with some motor delays, and there is also the social awkwardness that go along with team sports, but they enjoying playing, and don't give up.  We have always been VERY blessed with wonderful coaches and organizations that encourage and assist them during the games.  But the boys notice that they are getting left behind, and that is hard.

Last year, after the last basketball game of the season, I mentioned that his coach said he would request Andrew the next year, and wanted him on his team again.  Andrew said he didn't want to play anymore.  His exact words were something like "mom, I'm terrible at basketball, I'm the worst on the team."  I told him that his coach wanted him on his team because he worked so hard, improved so much, and had such a great attitude.  He wasn't buying it (although it was the truth), and I went on to say that everyone is good at different things, and we were talking about all the areas where he excelled.  After talking about that for a bit, Andrew said "yeah, I mean, I'm a GREAT surfer".  He saw that everyone had different things they were good at, and he loved surfing and being in the water.  He wasn't feeling sad anymore.  In fact, he was just fine after our chat, and couldn't wait for our next surf day.

 Fast forward several months, and to Lucas struggling with gymnastics.  He just wasn't feeling it anymore.  He didn't like the noise, the chaos, the other kids practicing, it was just starting to get too much.  I said that it was fine if he wanted to stop, he didn't have to do gymnastics.  He was feeling pretty down, because he likes gymnastics, jumping on the trampoline, and flipping around, but just doesn't like being in class.  He gets frustrated that he gets headaches when things are loud, and he wants to do it, he just can't.  Again, we talked about how everyone likes different things, and have different gifts.  We talked about all the sporty stuff that he can do, and that he enjoys.  This time, it was Lucas who said "well, I'm GREAT at surfing!"  He, too, remembered that surfing was his "thing", and how much he loved riding the waves.  His sadness disappeared as we talked about the upcoming surf camp, and about how it would feel good to be in the water again.

You see, twice a year, for about the past 3 years, the boys attend surf camps through Waves of Impact.  Volunteers come out and spend the day surfing with our kiddos with special challenges.  It's a really big deal for my boys. Professional photographers volunteer their time and take their pictures, Fox 26 News brings out the camera crews and does a special feature.  Our kiddos are STARS.  They ride the waves, everyone claps and cheers, they win medals.  I mean, man, they are GREAT SURFERS!!  The smiling kids light up the beach.  They are proud, they all rock the waves, and the positivity just radiates.  My kids feel wonderful after a surf camp, they ride the massive high for months.  Waves of Impact, and every single volunteer with this wonderful organization, have given my boys a gift.  They have given them their "thing".  That one thing they own, that they know they are good at, their happy place when things aren't all that happy, when times are downright bad and hurtful.

While they are out there catching waves, victory hands held high in the air, it doesn't matter if they have been picked last, or not picked at all on the kickball field a couple of weeks ago.  There is no social awkwardness with the ocean, and the chaos and noise are comforting rather than overwhelming.  They are at peace, and they are Kings of the Waves!

No matter what future frustrations and challenges they will face, they will always have the ocean, and the knowledge that they are GREAT SURFERS...and I can't thank Waves of Impact enough for giving my boys that gift.