Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Challenge Air

Last weekend, my kiddos were able to participate in a wonderful event through a wonderful program, Challenge Air.  Challenge Air is a non-profit, all volunteer organization that allows kids to soar...literally!  It is a flight program that puts kids with disabilities in the Captain's Chair, where they get to pilot an aircraft.  It was an amazing day, filled with amazing people!  My airplane and flight loving son, Andrew, was so excited!  Since the minimum age to fly is 7, we decided Andrew (whose 8) would get to be the pilot this time around, and Lucas (who is 7) and I would be the passengers.  Next year, it'll be Lucas' turn...eeekkk!!  My baby, flying a plane!!

The boys attended Ground School where they learned plane safety and flying basics, then it was off to the plane to answer questions, and do a safety check.  After our flight unit, the boys had some really, really great questions, and it was obvious they knew their stuff.  Score one for homeschool!  :)

After that, it was time to fly!  Andrew was a great pilot, and Lucas loved listening to the tower give us directions!  My mom stayed on the ground, and was there the whole time to cheer the boys on.  Thanks, Nanny!!!  We love that she was able to come with us!!

Check out Challenge Air, and get prepared to be inspired and moved by the pictures and their mission.  It's a really great, wonderful, and fantastic program that moves all who are involved!!  Andrew wanted to be an airplane flagger (I'm sure there is a more technical word for that) when he grows up, but after last Saturday, he's decided he wants to be a Pilot!!!  :)

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