Saturday, November 3, 2012

Spooky Fun!

This is a quick weekly wrap-up of Halloween week.  I love Halloween!  We decided to take a break from Five in a Row in the afternoons, and have some spooky fun.

We were planning on doing the Bouncing Egg experiment out of Lucas' favorite book, 101 Science Experiments, but ended up bumping it up a bit.

Instead of simply placing an egg in vinegar, which is what the book suggested, we placed 3 eggs in 3 different solutions: water, vinegar, and lemon juice.  Then (as a result to Lucas squeezing a little too hard), we decided to break 3 eggs and put the insides into different cups with the same 3 solutions.  We then placed 6 eggs in a giant bowl of vinegar and added green food coloring to spookify it a bit.  We spent the week taking measurements, and using our 5 senses to notice the differences in the various eggs.  The eggs-periments were a blast, and the boys made some great observations.

We also attended a Halloween Party at the Children's Museum

Had fun cookie decorating with friends


Watched a live theater production of Pinocchio (and got to meet the cast!!)

Spent the day at our favorite farm with the family where we went on hay rides, rolled tires down a hill, played in the tree house, went on hikes through the grass maze, and just had some great family time!  This pic is of the boys with their Aunt Tana in the tree house!!

And...of course...trick or treating!!  Yes, they wore their costume ALL WEEK!  I washed every night, they just loved them so much, how could I say no?  Can't figure out who they are?  They are both Annoying Orange.  There is only one Annoying Orange in the cartoon, but both of them wanted to be the main character, so we decided to clone Annoying Orange and have two.  It worked, and they were both happy!  :)  We went trick or treating with some of their neighborhood friends and had a blast.
WHEW!  Busy week, but so much fun!!!  I'm glad we have a nice slow weekend to relax.  :)


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