Monday, November 26, 2012


Things have been pretty quiet here on my blog.  I decided to take some time over the holidays and unplug.  That said, when given the chance to "whatever they wanted" according to Andrew, over the Thanksgiving Break, they chose to play computers most of the time.  :)

I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving!  We decided to keep things low-key this year, and stay home.  We usually make the trek to Oklahoma, but the drive was daunting this year, for some reason.  Sometimes you just need a week to refresh.  Marcel, my mom, the boys, and I decided to treat ourselves to a little fun Thanksgiving Eve.  We booked a night in a downtown hotel, went out to eat, and spent the night swimming!  The next morning, we got up early, enjoyed the hotel's breakfast, then headed out to watch the parade.  After that, we came home and prepared a tasty Thanksgiving meal.  We even got some Black Friday shopping in for the first time ever! A pic of my mom, Marcel, and the boys:

It's back to business as usual this week.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and enjoys the Christmas Season!!  

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